Collectic is a project that was based off of the idea of what our personal community is. Everyone identifies with a specific group in regards to their interests or specific aspects of their day-to-day lives. My partners and I believe that we really identify with music and the group that we had built around this. Being at a large university, it is hard to find a core group of close friends, especially within the classroom. I ended up finding a group within the graphic design program that I could connect with in a different way rather than just simply classmates. From there we built a group that began evolving and eventually took a large jump due to our shared interest, music and producing music. Knowing this fact, we took it upon ourselves to further this simple hobby into a fully branded music group as well as a representation of who we are as artists and graphic designers.
Package Design
I took on the task of creating a mockup CD case with a functional purpose to challenge myself in the realm of package design. I wanted to explore the design that occurs within the music industry when releasing physical products that we all see sold on shelves in our favorite stores. The cassettes were designed by Henry Galla.
Coffee Table
Bringing in my knowledge of woodworking, I designed a coffee table that served the purpose of capturing a comfortable and familiar room feeling. It was just one of the many interior design choices we made to build the idea that this is a producer's room/ home studio.